
About the Journal

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education
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Welcome to the Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education (JoGSE), published by Pubsains Nur Cendekia. JoGSE is an open-access journal dedicated to advancing our understanding of geography science and geography education through rigorous peer-reviewed research.

The high contribution of geography and education in various other fields of science because it covers all phenomena, symptoms or events that occur on the surface of the Earth. Our journal serves as a platform for disseminating valuable insights across on Geography Sciences and Geography Education, including fieldwork, modeling, and theoretical studies.

At JoGSE, we are committed to publishing significant and high-quality research that contributes to the field. Our editorial team oversees a fair, rapid, and rigorous peer-review process to ensure the integrity and excellence of the published work.

For more detailed information about our journal's focus and scope, please visit our Aims & Scopes.

We encourage researchers from Geography and Education backgrounds and perspectives to contribute their valuable findings to JoGSE.