About the Journal

Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education (JoGSE) : | ISSN: 3032-7245 (Print) | ISSN: 3031-9471 (Online) is an Open Access journal published by Pubsains Nur Cendekia and collaborated with Ikatan Geograf Indonesia (IGI). It publishes original research, review, and short communication (written by researchers, academicians, professional, and practitioners) which utilizes geographic and environment approaches (human, physical landscape, nature-society and GIS) to resolve human-environment interaction problems that have a spatial dimension.

The Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education (JoGSE) covers the following areas:

  1. Physical Geography: Spatial dimension on the earth’s surface, climate, soil, landform, and water;
  2. Human Geography: Spatial dimension on economic, urban, social, and cultural issues;
  3. Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing;
  4. Environmental Science: Environmental change, environmental education, environmental monitoring, and waste management;
  5. Geography Education;
  6. Disaster Risk Reduction.

Journal Abbreviation: J. Geograp Sc. and Edu
Journal Initials:
DOI Prefix:
Subject Area:
Geography, Environment, and Education
Peer-Review Type:
Publication Frequency:
4 issues per year (March, June, September, & December)
Author Fee:
Free for submission and publication
3031-9471 | p-ISSN: 3032-7246
Publisher, Owner, & Sponsor:
PT Pubsains Nur Cendekia, Indonesia

Days to First Editorial Decision: 24 days
Accepted Rate:
71% (2024), 93% (2023)
Rejection Rate: 29% (2024), 7% (2023)