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Indexing & Abstracting
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The Title Must Be Simple (5-16 words), Informative, and Describe The Main Contents of The Manuscript (Font Goudy Old Style, bold, size 14 pt,single space)
Abstract (In English)
Arranged in one paragraph between 100-200 words and provides an overview of the study or research conducted. The abstract contains the following components: 1) background: briefly explain the motivation and significance (importance) of the research; position the research question in a broad context and present the purpose of the research; 2) method: briefly describe the method used to achieve the goal; 3) results: summarize the main research findings in the article; and 4) conclusions: convey the main conclusions or interpretations of the research results. Abstract writing style should not be the same as the contents of the manuscript. (Goudy Old Style bold 10 pt spasi 1)
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 (include three to five main keywords)
Abstrak (Indonesia)
Disusun dalam satu paragraf antara 100-200 kata dan memberikan gambaran mengenai kajian atau penelitian yang dilakukan. Abstrak memuat komponen-komponen sebagai berikut: 1) Latar Belakang: menjelaskan secara singkat motivasi dan signifikansi (pentingnya) penelitian; memposisikan pertanyaan penelitian dalam konteks luas dan menyajikan tujuan penelitian; 2) metode: menguraikan secara singkat cara yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan; 3) Hasil: merangkum temuan utama penelitian dalam artikel; dan 4) kesimpulan: menyampaikan kesimpulan atau interpretasi pokok dari hasil penelitian. Gaya penulisan abstrak tidak boleh sama dengan isi naskah. (Goudy Gaya Lama tebal 10 pt spasi 1)
Kata kunci: kata kunci1, kata kunci2, kata kunci3 (sertakan tiga hingga lima kata kunci utama)
Introduction (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
The manuscript is written in Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, single-spaced, left and right justified, on one-sided pages, paper in one column, and on A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with the upper margin, lower, and right each 1.0 c, and left 1.5 cm. The manuscript including the graphic contents and tables should be around 3500–4500 words (exclude references). If it far exceeds the prescribed length, it is recommended to break it into two separate manuscripts. Standard English grammar must be observed. The title of the article should be brief and informative and it should not exceed 16 words. The keywords are written after the abstract.
The introduction contains a justification of the importance of the study conducted. Novelty generated from this study compared to the results of previous studies or the umbrella of existing knowledge needs to be clearly displayed. Complete it with the main reference used. State in one sentence a question or research problem that needs to be answered by all the activities of the study. Indicate the methods used and the purpose or hypothesis of the study. The introduction does not exceed five paragraphs.
Methods (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
The method contains the design, size, criteria, and method of sampling, instruments used, and procedures collecting, processing, and analysis of the data. When using a questionnaire as an instrument, explain the contents briefly and measure which variables. The validity and reliability of instruments should also be explained. The experimental or intervention studies need to be explained, and an interventional procedure or treatment is given. This section should explain how research ethics approval was obtained and the protection of the rights of the respondents imposed. Analysis of data using computer programs needs not to be written details of the software if not original. The place/location of the study is only mentioned when it comes to study. If only as a research location, the location details are not worth mentioning, just mentioned vague, for example, "... at a hospital in Depok."
For the qualitative study, this section needs to explain how the study maintains the validity (trustworthiness) data obtained. The methods section written brief in two to three paragraphs.
Results (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
The findings are sorted by the objectives of the study or the research hypothesis. The results do not display the same data in two forms namely tables/ images /graphics and narration. No citations in the results section. The average value (mean) must be accompanied by a standard deviation. Writing tables using the following conditions.
Table only uses 3 (three) row lines (do not use a column line), the line heading, and the end of the table (see example). Table is written with Times New Roman size 10pt and placed within a single space below the title table. Table titles is written with font size 11pt, capital letters at the beginning of the word and placed on the table with the format as shown in the examples that do not use the column lines. Numbering tables are using Arabic numerals. The table framework is using lines size 1 pt. If the table has many columns, it can use one column format at half or full page. If the title in each table column is long and complex, the columns are numbered and its description given at the bottom of the table. Mean, SD, and t-test values should include a value of 95% CI. Significance value is put without mentioning P at first. Example: The mean age 25.4 years intervention group (95% CI). Based on the advanced test between intervention and control groups showed significant (example: p = 0.001; CI = ... - ... ).
Images are placed symmetrically in columns within a single space of a paragraph. Pictures are numbered and sorted by Arabic numerals. Captions placed below the image and within one single space of the image. Captions are written by using 10pt font size, bold, capital letters at the beginning of the word, and placed as in the example. The distance between the captions and paragraphs are two single spaced.
Images which have been published by other authors should obtain written permission from the author and publisher. Include a printed image with good quality in a full page or scanned with a good resolution in the format {file name}.jpeg or {file name}. tiff. When the images are in the photograph format, include the original photographs. The image will be printed in black and white, unless it needs to be shown in color. The author will be charged extra for color print if more than one page. The font used in the picture or graphic should be commonly owned by each word processor and the operating system such as Symbol, 12-point font with size not less than 8 pt. Image files which are from applications such as Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand can give better results and can be reduced without changing the resolution.
Table and image are not integrated with the contents of the manuscript, put after reference or at the end of the manuscript.
For the qualitative study, the findings commonly are written in the form of participants' quotes. Table format is rarely used except to describe the characteristics of the participants, or recapitulation of the themes or categories. If the quote is not more than 40 words, then use quotation marks (") at the beginning and at the end of a sentence and include participants/ informants which give statements without the need to create separate paragraphs. Ellipsis (...) is only used to change a word that is not shown, instead of a stop sign/pause. See the following example.
Due to the ongoing process, the women experiencing moderate to severe pain in the knees, ankles, legs, back, shoulders, elbows, and/or their fingers, and they are struggling to eliminate the pain. To alleviate pain, they look for the cause of the pain. One participant stated that, "... I decided to visit a doctor to determine the cause of the pain. Now I'm taking medication from the doctor in an attempt to reduce this pain" (participant 3)
Here is an excerpt example of using block quotations if the sentences are 40 or more. Use indentation 0.3"
As discussed earlier, once the participants had recovered from the shock of the diagnosis of the disease, all participants decided to fight for their life. For most of them, the motivation for life is a function of their love for their children; namely child welfare, which being characteristic of the pressure in their world. Here is an example of an expression of one of the participants:
I tried to suicide, but when I think of my children, I cannot do that [crying]. I thought, if I die, no one will take care of my children. Therefore, I decided to fight for my life and my future. They (children) were the hope of my life (participant 2).
Discussion (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
Describe the discussion by comparing the data obtained at this time with the data obtained in the previous study. No more statistical or other mathematical symbols in the discussion. The discussion is directed at an answer to the research hypothesis. Emphasis was placed on similarities, differences, or the uniqueness of the findings obtained. It is need to discuss the reason of the findings. The implications of the results are written to clarify the impact of the results and the advancement of science are studied. The discussion ended with the various limitations of the study.
Conclusion (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
Acknowledgement is given to the funding sources of study (donor agency, the contract number, the year of accepting) and those who support that funding. The names of those who support or assist the study are written clearly. Names that have been mentioned as the authors of the manuscripts are not allowed here.
References (Goudy Old Style font size 12 pt, boldface, cap in the first letter of headings)
Use the most updated references in the last 10 years. Reference is written withGoudy Old Style font size 12 pt, single space, the distance between the references one enter. The references use the hanging, which is on the second line indented as much as 0.25", right justified. The references only contain articles that have been published, and selected the most relevant to the manuscript. It prefers primary references. The references format follows the "name-years" citation style (APA style 7th edition). All sources in the reference must be referenced in the manuscript and what was in the manuscript should be in this reference. The author should write the family/last name of sources author and year of publication in parentheses use, for example (Potter & Perry, 2006) or Potter and Perry (2006). Write the first author's name and "et al.", if there are three or more authors.
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Article title: Sub-title. Journal Title, volume (issue number), page numbers.
Wu, S.F.V., Courtney, M., Edward, H., McDowell, J., Shortridge-Baggett, L.M., & Chang, P.J. (2007). Self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and self-care behavior in people with type diabetes in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16 (11), 250–257.
References with two or more authors (up to 20 authors) write all author's names. If an article has 21 authors or more, list the first 19 authors, then insert an ellipsis (…) and then the last name and first initials of the last author. Example:
Wolchik, S.A., West, S.G., Sandler, I.N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., Johnson, A., Ito, H., Ramirez, J., Jones, H., Anderson, P., Winkle, S., Short, A., Bergen, W., Wentworth, J., Ramos, P., Woo, L., Martin, B., Josephs, M., … Brown, Z. (2005). Study of the brain. Psychology Journal, 32 (1), 1–15. doi: 10.1037/1061-4087.45.1.11.
Conference Proceeding
Schnase, J.L., & Cunnius, E.L. (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings from CSCL '95: The First International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. Erlbaum.
Newspaper (no author’s name)
Generic Prozac debuts. (2001, August 3). The Washington Post, pp. E1, E4.
It’s subpoena time. (2007, June 8). New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/08/opinion/08fri1. html
Author, A.A. (Year). Source title: Capital letter in the beginning of the subtitle. Publisher.
Peterson, S.J., & Bredow, T.S. (2004). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Book chapter
Author, A.A. (Year). Chapter title: Capital letter in the beginning of the subtitle. In Initial, Surname (Author’s name/book editor) (eds), Book title. Publisher.
Hybron, D.M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R.J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp.17–43). Guilford Press.
Translated book
Ganong, W.F. (2008). Fisiologi kedokteran (Ed ke-22). (Petrus A., trans). McGraw Hill Medical. (Original book published 2005).
If available in the database
Rockey, R. (2008). An observational study of pre-service teachers’ classroom management strategies (Publication No. 3303545) [Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Gerena, C. (2015). Positive thinking in dance: The benefits of positive self-talk practice in conjunction with somatic exercises for collegiate dancers [Master’s thesis, University of California Irvine]. University of California, Scholarship. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1t39b6g3
If not published
Last-name, A.A. (year). Dissertation/thesis title. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation/master thesis). Institution Name, Location.
Considine, M. (1986). Australian insurance politics in the 1970s: Two case studies. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Database Article
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (Year pub). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume (Issue), pp–pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx [OR] Retrieved from URL of publication's home page
Borman, W.C., Hanson, M.A., Oppler, S.H., Pulakos, E.D., & White, L.A. (1993). Role of early supervisory experience in supervisor performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78 (8), 443–449. Retrieved from http://www.eric.com/jdlsiejls/ supervisor/early937d
Database article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41 (11/12), 1245–1283. doi: 10.1108/03090560710821161.
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